MESOSCOPE works on the most advanced device measurement methodology. Since 2010, MESOSCOPE announces SA series for SEM based analysis, STA series for STM system, MS series for Hitachi SEM based analysis and TFA series for manipulating the object into TEM. MESOSCOPE has well capability to mass-production Nano-scale probe for engaging with technology that is smaller than 10nm technology.
Besides Nano-sale probe tip, MESOSCOPE also provides Micro-scale probe tip for routine electrical prosperities analysis. FA and PFA series are fabricated for pad, die or circuit repairing on optical microscope probe station. For meeting market and technique needs, MESOSCOPE provides 250nm curvature radius FA series and 50nm curvature radius PFA series to support different applications.
MESOSCOPE develops M.S.T. module since 2021. MESOSCOPE introduces M.S.T. into manufacturing process to manuufacture probe tips.
MICRO-SURFACE-TERATMENT ( M.S.T. ) process, standard tip inspection control and ultra-clean package system to make sure all products are good enough to meet customers’ criterions.

2006 / 07
MESOSCOPE Establish in Taipei, Taiwan
Provides CR35 for 28nm technology
Provides CR20 for 20nm technology
Provides CR10 for 14nm technology
Provides CR5 for 7nm technology
Establishes New Headquarter where is locate at Hsinchu Science Park.
Expands Business field. Start to representing Nano Probing system from Kleindiek Nanotechnik
Provides CR3 for 3nm technology
MESOSCOPE Technology Gathers ISO9001Certification from institution of UKAS.
MESOSCOPE develops M.S.T. module since 2021.
MESOSCOPE Technology Plans to get ISO17025.
MESOSCOPE Technology Plans to get ISO27001.